Preparing for BRNC Dartmouth

Hello All!
Firstly may I wish you all the best new year for 2019!
Recently has been an odd time in my RFA journey. I have received my formal job offer in addition to my BRNC joining instructions, which as you can imagine is a lot to digest.
BRNC is going to be an amazing experience filled with high and low points I am sure. Naturally for security reasons I will not be able to share the contents of the documents with you folk. However to anyone out there looking for a hint, mine would be to read the documents very carefully. This way you will not forget to purchase some of the items on the kit list.

Looking forward, it is a slightly apprehensive time. I applied for the RFA and have been successful, however I am in that interim period of excitement where I can tell friends where I am going. It almost feels unreal, slightly fictitious you could say. I currently am in the process of buying some of the more traditional items of the kit list and next week will be purchasing that all important train ticket. Fortunately for me a chap I met on AIB stayed in touch and will be joining me partway through my journey. He is a deck cadet so I hope to provide you some deck insights from him.. hopefully a gin will do the trick!

As always thank you for your support and feel free to get in touch if you have any queries!



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